Jonathan Isaby | 1st February 2020
Jonathan Isaby | 30th January 2020
BrexitCentral Contributor
Bryan Gould was Labour MP for Southampton Test between 1974 and 1979 and then represented Dagenham between 1983 and 1994. He held a variety of shadow cabinet posts under Neil Kinnock and was defeated in the 1992 contest to succeed him as Labour leader by John Smith, in whose shadow cabinet he briefly served before resigning in opposition to the party’s European policy. He had served in the British Diplomatic Service before embarking on his political career and on leaving Parliament in 1994 he returned to his native New Zealand, where he served for ten years as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Waikato. He blogs at
Bryan Gould | 7th October 2019
Bryan Gould | 15th September 2019
Bryan Gould | 10th September 2019
Bryan Gould | 5th September 2019
Bryan Gould | 4th September 2019
Bryan Gould | 26th August 2019
Bryan Gould | 4th July 2019
Bryan Gould | 8th June 2019
Bryan Gould | 27th May 2019
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